his long interview with Franz Kreuzer, Karl
Popper calls himself ‘one
of the last
to join the Enlightenment’
22). He affirms his faith and continuity with the age of reason, at
the same time declaring the end of a glorious epoch. Implicitly
calling for the paradigm shift 2
‘I may be wrong and you may be right’—is a paraphrase of
Voltaire and reaffirms Socrates’s awareness of our boundless
(TIR: 28–29). Contrary to the first appearances, it cannot be
taken in favor of relativism which diplomatically agrees each other
, whereas the principle of pluralism implies that we may both be
wrong. He replaces the comprehensive rationalism with the critical
. ‘Faith in reason, even in the reason of others, implies the idea
of impartiality, tolerance, and rejection of any authoritarian
"war effort", to counter the fascism and totalitarianism
when the
possibility of civilization being destroyed was quite real
, both claimed to have the sovereignty of reason and historical
support, as was demanded by the social thinking prevailed during the
‘Age of Reason’.
exposed the Platonic
and its enlightenment counterpart ‘Hegelian historicism’ Popper’s
assertion that ‘a theory which was initially genuinely scientific
degenerated into pseudo-scientific dogma’4
is equally applicable to every discipline .Rather than agreement
between different schools, the disagreement regarding the
fundamental questions of epistemology and ontology of essence
,contributed to the propensity of theories having better
verisimilitude .
Descartes laid the
foundation for Seventeenth -Century rationalism, followed by
Baruch Spinoza and Gottfried Leibniz, counter arguments and polemics
by the empiricist school of thought consisting of Hobbes, Locke,
Berkeley, and Hume, enriched the logical foundations of both . His
"Cogito ergo
sum" rejected
any idea that can be doubted, Copernican
Revolution attained
its glory
observations of Galileo,
geometric fabrication, and axiomatic foundation supplied by Newton.
Seventeenth Century
Mathematics with its rigor, vigor , aesthetic
harmony and consistency supplied the required logical sufficiency
to the fundamental premises of classical mechanics.
doubtful’ validity of classical mechanics contributed to the
practice of applying the same beyond its domain of validity,
Cartesian determinism and redundant reductionism began to show its
limitations. More dogmatic Laplacian
determinism entails
‘Everything in principle is knowable’ and deterministic. Even
great scientists like William
Thomson, in 1900 famously proclaimed that Physics was over ,
except for two small clouds on the horizon. These "clouds"
turned out to be the clues that led to quantum mechanics and
relativity. Famous
‘Hilbert program’ was for the formalization of all of
mathematics in axiomatic frame work, he was successful in correctly
enlisting the clouds in such an enterprising endeavor. ‘Gödel’s
incompleteness theorems gave immediate technical correction to such
a dream, axiomatically deduced the inconsistency of axiomatic
formulations ! Appears to be an example of ‘liar’s paradox ‘. Deeper
realization of Gödel’s theorem can be found in Karl Popper’s
prophetic realization in ‘The
of Scientific
‘ ‘Science
does not rest upon solid bedrock. The bold structure of its theories
rises, as it were, above a swamp. It is like a building erected on
piles. The
piles are driven down from above
into the swamp, but not down to any natural or ‘given’ base; and
if we stop driving the piles deeper, it is not because we have
reached firm ground. We simply stop when we are satisfied that the
piles are firm enough to carry the structure, at least for the time
(LSD: 111) still physicists are talking about ‘Theory of everything
‘and formulation of the complete theory of Quantum Gravity .During
‘Enlightenment’ reason
was elevated to the status of a new authority .After the
Enlightenment glory ,Search for truth ended up in proposing
‘closed systems ‘ with immunizing dogmas incorporated in to its
very essence .In
spite of tremendous progress in technology and various branches of
science conquering new frontiers , overall picture especially
during the first and second decade of the 21st
century is that of an ‘age
of unreason ‘. I
shall give a sketch of my thesis of ‘open
with fractal Geometry as the choice of nature ,Philosophy of Karl
popper with ,Gödel’s theorem as its mathematical counterpart ,
together with developments in non linear dynamics ,non equilibrium
thermodynamics, collective phenomenon ,self organized systems and
Chaos with an ‘an
irrational faith in reason’
II: 461; RR: 39; CR: 357)which espouses, Individual
freedom, liberty, democracy, openness, plurality, inclusiveness,
decentralization, and sustainable development after
giving my background and relevant details .
Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in mid 1800 ,about
the French Revolution began with "a push towards
decentralization...[but became,]in the end, an extension of
centralization." It seems to be true in the whole history 1. After freedom struggle in India ,2.After J.P movement for
democratic rights .3. Recent anti corruption movement , exponential growth of
the new party and final degradation to centralism, It was true in Greece after Pericles and Democrats -Plato's royal lie and philosophy of his 'utopia ' -'The republic' dominated the seen .Early Christianity slipped to 'Constantine and dominance of Catholic church and roman Empire . age of reason ended up with Hegelian historisism -then to Fascism and totalitarianism, in science it moved around Cartesian determinism,extreme reductionism of closed systems which dovetails parochialism .
excited to see the most relevant ingredients of an open society
with liberal democratic world view were well included in the
constitution and vision documents of the new party,AAP I was nominated
as the state committee member of the party . Within a short span of
one year Mr.
AAP supremo
the Chief Minister of Delhi, just for forty nine days! , much before
his resignation, it appeared to me that the leadership started
practicing evils of the society with utter disrespect to its own
constitution, Inexperience ,lack of vision and commitment ,’infantile
narcissism ‘ and Quixotic
all contributed to the set back. Dirty tactics and conspiracy with
fascist credentials from the opposing camp now in power is also
contributed its share. It reminded me of Alexis de Tocqueville who
wrote in mid 1800 ,about the French Revolution , “began
with a push towards decentralization...[but became,] in the end, an
extension of centralization."
seems to be true in the whole history civilization .In India 1.
After the freedom struggle 2.After J.P movement 3. After recent
anticorruption movement .This compelled me to have a study a of
history of civilization Started re-reading almost all available
works of Karl popper , H.G
, Bertrand Russell and Plato and references therein .Trying my
level best to find arguments against my approach and article
criticizing Poppers
approach for the last one year spending more than 12 hours a day ,
few shallow criticisms and counter opinions were found –During my
literary survey found an article ‘open society by George Soros,
written on October 29, 2009 expressing doubts about the actual
practice of democracy “ In
a democracy political discourse is not aimed at discovering
reality—that’s the cognitive function, but getting elected and
staying in power—that’s the manipulative function”.
share my own experience in India .Following links, come to know
about O.S.F. and hence this project proposal ,decided after
discussing with my friends having similar world view
should be noted that the thousands of committed volunteers who
spend their time, energy and money for the party AAP was in
disappointment and frustration. It become just another party in the
fray .Sycophancy become the survival criteria! . Party failed to get
even a single seat in Delhi for the recent Parliament election where
the party was in power just two months back!. My repeated letters
were totally ignored .State unit has insulted me and even suspended
me from the state committee for addressing a meeting and English
translation of the talk is available in my blog .Good number of informed
volunteers suspended just through phone , by the state secretary
and later he got also expelled.
of party workers tried to form new party ,I was able to convince them
to be assertive and wait . Fact is that the state unit never
respected rule of law or propriety! National leadership at that time
seems to have encouraged the aberration . Few of them including me is
planning to form an N.G.O , details will be worked out adopting the
principles of democracy and decentralization , I have not yet
resigned from the party ,but for the last one year fully engaged in
the re-reading of Philosophy of Science , Physics and Mathematics and
History with an intension of developing comprehensive Liberal
democratic Philosophy for an open society relevant to the Indian
context .This interlude was really productive. While I was preparing
this project proposal the state unit of AAP was dissolved by the
national leadership and I was contacted! with apology but my humble
reply was that I shall cooperate with the party but will not take any
official position and more matured state unit is now leading the
party in Kerala .The Introspection
mode of the party was productive and the party is again gaining
strength .The Delhi state assembly elections would be held on 7
February 2015 with results being announced on 10 February 2015.
Studying surveys and contacting my friends in Delhi my contention is
that the Mr Arvindh Kegeriwal will be the next Chief Minister in
Delhi bagging more than 40 seats out of 70...........
Nature of dynamics of civilization
sketch of points in my proposed book and articles
approach to study any complex system is reductionism
Various branches of science ,epistemology, art, literature and
almost every institutions evolved , has its own history,
reciprocally enriching each other. Let me call it Components of
Civilization (CoC).
Every Component can further be reduced to epochs with names
epitomizing the underlining spirit. The whole History was an
interplay between Decentralization(D) and Centralization (C) . Karl
suggests, in a brief review, that the long period stretching from
Antiquity to Hegel may be interpreted ‘in terms of the conflict
between the open and the closed society’ (OS I: 252).12
the name Renaissance it bears striking similarity with the Greek
civilization From invention of art of writing ,development in
literature(Homer), astronomy ,Mathematics ,Democratic concepts
reflected in the famous funeral oration at least by Pericles ,
then the period of anarchy, thirty tyrants ,trial and death of
Socrates where similar to invention of printing to French
revolution then - Plato to Aristotle is like Hegel to philosophy
of science and liberal democratic concepts ,Neolithic revolution
might have started with articulate
speech , number systems, calendar
agriculture then slipping to tribal taboos.
After Plato, Aristotle tried to repair the damage in philosophy
and epistemology . Roman conquest , Constantine
espousing Christianity and enforced dynasty and Centuries of Dark
age followed . It can logically be under stood as the self similarity
of fractal pattern it again help us to understand the dynamics of
all civilizations in different part of the globe –Greek
civilization and renaissance as inductive corroboration to the more
fundamental dynamics which can axiomatically be deduced . It should
be noted that in India almost similar pattern has occurred ,Atomic
theory of Kanada (B.C.E 200),Buddhist philosophy and materialistic
world view concept of democracy –cast system –dark ages Indian
renaissance movement for a short duration of less than 50 years
during the first half of 20th
Gödel in 1931 proved two Theorems known as Gödel's
incompleteness theorems established the
inherent limitations of axiomatic systems , hypothesis surly needs
no proof by definition as it is accepted by agreement. If any of the
hypothesis can be proved it becomes a theorem rather .But It should
be asserted weather there is a contradiction or inconsistency within
the set of hypothesis .It is just like trying to prove the
validity of the hypothesis .This was the Second problem enlisted by
Hilbert . We know the story of Euclid’s fifth postulate and later
developments . Adding or removing a hypothesis we can make
another system but consistency
of a system cannot be proved from within !
It needs infinite regression of arguments. It again proves the
inconsistency of any closed system . Karl popper introduced the
concept of verisimilitude to solve the problem and it is the
genesis of falsifiability
It is the realization of the fact that
“Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must
necessarily be infinite.”
will always be a deference between objective reality and our
perception of it , One reason for the same is the pre-editing of our
senses .
Falsifiability is the guarantee for the progress . If we consider
ontological systems including our society , can there be a closed
system? .My answer is no and all closed systems are reductionist
constructs and approximations , stability of solar system and three
body problem were the hot subject studied extensively by Henri
Poincaré’ and a new branch of non linear dynamics developed known
as chaos theory with a different kind of possible order known as
fractals .
is defined as a measure of disorder but without entropy there is no
growth .Last fifty years has witnessed tremendous progress in non
equilibrium thermodynamics .Central theme is the open system capable
of exchanging entropy with surroundings .Ilya
winner of the Nobel Prize in 1977 for his work on the thermodynamics
of non equilibrium systems and author of the famous book Order
Out of Chaos
declared in his Nobel lecture “at
all levels of physical reality a global ordering principle is
operating by an appropriate exchange of entropy with surroundings”
Nicolis ,Davies , El Naschie, Iovane, Nottale, Castro etc are the
prominent contributors published related results.
theory remained a curiosity until the advent of high speed computers.
In 1961, Edward Lorentz’s result “The Butterfly effect”
showed the unpredictability of weather .In the 1970′s Benoit
Mandelbrot added fractals to chaos theory. Fractals are the patterns
left behind by dynamically changing systems.
two competing parameters for cohesion and dispersion and noting that
the rate of growth of cohesion depends on existing numerical strength
of cohesion (proportional as a first approximation)and opposed by
forces of dispersion, set of first order differential equation can
be formed similar set can be formed with each Component of
Civilization It will be like Lotka–Volterra
also known as the predator–prey
equations ,Numerical solution of the same shows the fractal
structure with unexpected peaks and depressions. Growth in any CoC
(Litarature ,Mathamatics , science etc ) contribute to the other
components in some phases and opposite way in some other phases as
both are fluctuating patterns , like resonances or avalanche in
glaciers or unexpected population growth of pests or epidemics there
are mutually enriching cumulative growth in all components of
civilization – delayed over reaction is the underlying physical
property it is common to all self organized systems .
is similar to its parts in space and time is a remarkable property
of fractals .Stock market price variation for a period of 10 years
or 10 days, shows remarkable similarity ,same is the case with
different parts of a cloud .
fractal nature of dynamics of Self organized system is quite general
,it explains the distribution pattern of different species on this
globe , self similarity along time axis explain why different
species from unicellular organism to homosapiens co-exists .
Returning to the dynamics of our civilization this fractal nature
gives the reason why different civilization or culture from hunter-
gatherer to the most civilized is existing in different parts of the
globe .Geographical boundaries ,language ,immunizing strategies of
closed societies are all contributing to this fact .
bring home the idea further if we interview 100 persons selected at
random from our own locality and patiently listen to their world
views and problems it will contain fragments of almost all
cultures and civilizations from tribal taboos to the present
cannot seek further inspiration from Enlightenment as such. The
right philosophy of open society is yet to acquire propensity ,what
is required is the social engineering to have polemic both for and
against the required philosophy. Most of the Scientist and
technocrats are happy with parochialism. Educated youth in most part
of the globe is busy in resume building .Those who are lagging behind
seeks the consolation in liquor , drugs or struggling with
unemployment .Intolerance, brutality, emergence of tribal taboos all
disturbing me very much .Very difficult to defend the pessimistic
note that this is the age of un reason. Only consolation is “that
our civilization has not yet fully recovered from the shock of its
birth—the transition from the tribal or “closed society”, with
its submission to magical forces, to the “open society” which
sets free the critical powers of man’ (OS I: xiii). Logically we
are passing through the stage of infantile disorders.